slippery tile

indoor swimming pool
When we go for swimming to an indoor swimming pool we should be aware of glazed ceramic tile. If the tiles are wet they can become very slippery. My idea is to design a special profile which makes tiles not slippery even if they are covered with water. The new surface of the tiles should be non slippery as well as non rubbing to our dermis.

best nutrition

best nutrition
It is said that the medical science has now reached its peak level ….almost everybody is ill. 🙂 Why? Because we do not know what our body really needs. Let me ask another question. Why is a sick person not hungry? Because the person do not need any “false” nutrition now to recover. What would subsequently mean that the body does not need any of that nutrition which made it sick. See an illness as a signal to change your way of eating. My opinion is that it is effective just to reduce the amount of what you eat.

viral infection detection

viral infection
Symptoms of a viral infections are appearing after a distinct time when you got infected. This time period is called the incubation time. As you are going to tread you with care when you are ill, why you are not doing it before you are ill? Because you feel fine? My idea is to invent a virus detection device. It will enable you to find out if your are infected and that you should be prepared of becoming ill the next days. If you once got detected you could start your “care programm” in the early stage of he illness which will probably shorten your time of illness.

drinking many beers

breaking the seal
People like to drink a beer or two by the time. And we know that after a while we have to go to the bathroom. Once this process get started we have to go to the bathroom periodically in a shorter time. It is known as “breaking the seal” and the reason for it is dehydration of our body. So my idea is to find a natural additive to put into beer so that we do not have to go to the bathroom very often when drinking several beers.


JIT gift

pile under the christmas tree
Christmas could be such a contemplative time without the stress of finding gifts for family and friends. We are caught in the swirl of shopping and shopping. Let me kindly say `I do not like it´. I do like giving presents to people as long as it is really a present and the person need it. But it seems to me that we just pull a duty. My idea is to give present to kids but stop giving improperly thing to adults. So we find more time for the real Christmas sense…whatever this is 🙂 It is for sure everything else that we have now. For instance think about what we really need and what we just want (see for example Danny Brown)

(JIT ….just in time)

perfect tea

tea maker
A cup of tea can be really good if you follow two advice. First use a good quality of tea and best water. And secondly end up a tea with the right stepping time and water temperature . Regarding to the quality my idea is to design a tea blender. This is a small tea dispenser which stores all kind of teas inside its housing. You can choose if you like your tea sweet or herb, if you want to relax or need to be kept concentrated and other moods. Depending on your personal demand the machine will blend your the best mixture of different teas to match your taste right now.

cake without calories

I like cakes very much. Good luck to me that I am a sportsman and do not get fat of it. Unfortunately many other people do not eat a cake because they are afraid to get ….. fat. My idea is to invent a substance which is similar to cake batter but without chemical additives like nowadays.

optimized marathon nutrition

When attending a marathon spectacle as a runner, you have to drink what is offered at the stations. One time you get energy drinks, the other time they offer pure water. My idea is to offer each runner the ideal nutrition. This can be realized by a automatically dispenser which is connected to the race control. So it already knows the next runner passing the station and can release the nutrition which was prepared in advance. I think that “customized” nutrition can gain a high benefit to the runners.

private feedback page

Johari window
According to the “Johari window model” I think that people could better live together if they would really know about their situation they are in. I mean that people do not often say the truth and the do not tell you things which could improve your life quality. Window 3 in the model says that people know facts and rumors about you, which are not in your mind. A simple example is that you are wearing ugly bow ties. You like it but this bow ties let the others avoid to accompany you for meal or lunch. But nobody is willing to tell you this fact. My idea is to create a webpage where people can give feedback anonymously. I am sure that this will increase the the quality of our way we live together.

water in the ears

water in the ears
You will find many methods in the internet how to remove water from your ears after you have been swimming. Despite all of these remedies my idea is to design a gadget to remove water from your ears and also to clean the your ears. The main function of this gadget is to produce distinct sound waves which let the water flow out of your ears and which also fluidise the ear wax. So this gadget consists just of a sound modulator and a headphone.