weaken the impact of earthquake

earthquake result
Earthquakes are responsible for a high grad of damage in our cities. An earth shock hits us suddenly as it cannot be foreseen. The reason is that two blocks of the earth slip past one another. So my idea is to help these plate moving by lubricating the boundaries. We could drill holes along the edges at endangered areas like big cities. These holes get filled with a natural lubricant.
earth quake how it works

dangerous threat from solar wind

electronically device
All our communication system is based on electromagnetic devices and radio waves. We know that this system is susceptible to solar wind. What will we do if one day a very strong solar wind hit us? We already were confronted with such occurrence in the past. My idea is to invent a new communication net without the need of electronically devices. For example we could use light instead of electricity.
molecullar integrated circuit

slippery tile

indoor swimming pool
When we go for swimming to an indoor swimming pool we should be aware of glazed ceramic tile. If the tiles are wet they can become very slippery. My idea is to design a special profile which makes tiles not slippery even if they are covered with water. The new surface of the tiles should be non slippery as well as non rubbing to our dermis.

driving up a steep hill

steep road
Driving up steep hill can be dangerous if the road is slippery. My idea is to embed steel band under the street surface. The car has an integrated rotating electromagnet which can additionally switched on to transport the car up to the hill. This principle is similar to system which is used for a magnetic levitation train.

best nutrition

best nutrition
It is said that the medical science has now reached its peak level ….almost everybody is ill. 🙂 Why? Because we do not know what our body really needs. Let me ask another question. Why is a sick person not hungry? Because the person do not need any “false” nutrition now to recover. What would subsequently mean that the body does not need any of that nutrition which made it sick. See an illness as a signal to change your way of eating. My opinion is that it is effective just to reduce the amount of what you eat.

better train transport

bicycle and S-bahnbike and trailer
Cause of the ecologically sensitiveness of the general public more and more people do use a bicycle. Enthusiasts even take a trailer with them to transport small stuff. But they reach a limit if they want to go by train with a bike&trailer combination. Even though it is not comfortable it is not allowed in most cases. My idea is to design special wagons where a bike with a trailer can enter and leave the train wagon easily.Perhaps the bikes have to be arranged across in the wagon?

uniform language

language exchange
We have lots of different languages around the world. Whether we are on holidays or we are doing business with foreign countries we need to talk the same language. When translating business letters we might get translation problems and also misunderstandings. My idea is to invent a unique language relating all around the world. We then also could reduce the need for a translator, and so on.

viral infection detection

viral infection
Symptoms of a viral infections are appearing after a distinct time when you got infected. This time period is called the incubation time. As you are going to tread you with care when you are ill, why you are not doing it before you are ill? Because you feel fine? My idea is to invent a virus detection device. It will enable you to find out if your are infected and that you should be prepared of becoming ill the next days. If you once got detected you could start your “care programm” in the early stage of he illness which will probably shorten your time of illness.

drinking many beers

breaking the seal
People like to drink a beer or two by the time. And we know that after a while we have to go to the bathroom. Once this process get started we have to go to the bathroom periodically in a shorter time. It is known as “breaking the seal” and the reason for it is dehydration of our body. So my idea is to find a natural additive to put into beer so that we do not have to go to the bathroom very often when drinking several beers.