Mental coaches in schools

sleeping students
When looking into a class of students you might find a couple of “sleeping objects”. Others do not sleep, but they are not interested. And a few students will be attentive. My idea is to send periodically coaches to schools and universities to show the students WHY they are here. In my opinion the teachers job priority is to transfer knowledge. The advantage is that the students learn easily and the professor see many interested eyes.

less sleep

Perhaps it would be an expensive equipment. For instance see that you pay for a NAP POD about USD 10.000.- But I also think that we should also use our mental power to help us with this issue.

IDEAS 2015

sleeping person
Many people do not find enough sleep in the night. In most cases the people have much to do so that they go to bed late and stand up early. Smart people try to do a power nap during the day. Another way for a better recreation would be to increase the quality of your sleep in the night. My idea is to design a perfect bed which allows your body to get fit in a very short time. I once heard that our brain never sleeps. In this case the bed has just the main function to bring our body back to a top physiologically condition. This can be realized with adjustments on temperature, customized pressure on the mattress, noise absorbing devices and so on.

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less sleep

sleeping person
Many people do not find enough sleep in the night. In most cases the people have much to do so that they go to bed late and stand up early. Smart people try to do a power nap during the day. Another way for a better recreation would be to increase the quality of your sleep in the night. My idea is to design a perfect bed which allows your body to get fit in a very short time. I once heard that our brain never sleeps. In this case the bed has just the main function to bring our body back to a top physiologically condition. This can be realized with adjustments on temperature, customized pressure on the mattress, noise absorbing devices and so on.

smart label for food

expiration date
Organizing a full fridge means to have a good overview on the expiration dates of the stored food. But also if you store e.g. cans in a pantry you need to check the expiration dates regularly. My idea is to add a smart label or a sticker on the food package. This label has three states which are shown to you in three colors, green, yellow and red. So if you look into your fridge you will easily recognize an expired food because the label is red.

picture postcard service

picture postcard
If you do not like traveling and hiking over the world but you want to show your friends that you have been on holiday you should check my idea. A company offers a webpage service where people can choose a picture postcard from any place in the world. Then this card can be written online or a scanned figure of your hand written text can be added. The company then adds a real stamp according to the country from where the card has to be sent. By paying the fee for the card, service and cost of postage a real picture card will be sent to the defined recipient.

long life razor blade

razor blade
Some razor blades are really expensive. But this products promise best quality too. People are trying to extend the life of the razor blade. For instance to keep the blade dry by using the RAZOR POD. Other people do sharpen the blade by using a pair of jeans (see INSTRUCTABLES). My idea is use NANO Powder to sharpen the blades. You just leave the blade for a couple of house in the powder and then you get a very sharp blade. The powder will fill out all the tinny break out in the blade.

butt kicking machine

stressed person
When you are very stressed and lots of thing are going wrong, you maybe feel like beeing in a dream and that anyone should kick you in your ass to bring you back to reality. My idea was to design a “kick in the ass robot”. But when researching the internet I found this patent from the year 2004. Patent US20060094518
butt kicking machine